Empowering women through fashion.



Design and style are the founding elements of LuvForever. We believe that through fashion every woman can be transformed into the very best version of themselves.


We continue to provide stylish, fashionable clothing to fully accentuate one's inner beauty. LuvForever was founded through the idea of bringing high-quality fashion to everyone, and our range does exactly that - offer something for everyone to experience.

Garima Dubey / Founder

Our origins

LuvForever Fashion is the story of undaunted inspiration – the journey of an undying love for life and culmination of my deepest vision. We identify ourselves as a timeless fashion brand for the woman who never ceases to make a mark!

Our story.

I was born and raised in India, working my dream government job - but after getting married my life took a radical shift in 2004 as we moved from India leaving my job and our family behind. 


I struggled to shake the emptiness starting a new life in a new country alone, and slowly a vision of something more, something greater started to take hold. My very own designer fashion business seemed like a fever dream at the time, but with zero experience in designer fashion and zero capital, I set to work. 


I set-up LuvForever Fashion with my little monthly salary while working full time as a teaching assistant out of our garage, and after three years of relentless determination, I finally resigned from my job and registered my company in 2017. Ever since we’ve learned and grown so much along the way, launching new collections and recently debuting at New York Fashion Week.

It’s the story of undaunted inspiration – the journey of an undying love for life and culmination of my deepest vision. 


We identify ourselves as a timeless fashion brand for the woman who never ceases to make a mark!

Our Mission

Making you the best version of you.

We're unleashing the profound beauty and power within every woman and empower them


Over the years we've learned a lot from LuvForever. Fashion isn't just appearance, it's a whole lifestyle. Being one with yourself and comfortable in your own skin is incredibly important for true happiness, and we aim to help you achieve that through our services.

Our Vision

We strive to be a leading fashion brand by empowering innovation and creativity, and make exciting impacts on our customer’s lives. 


We envision a world where women realize their hidden potentials and create better opportunities for themselves – this will be our greatest contribution to society!

Our logo.

Our logo signifies the convergence of the main three corners of life: mind, body and soul. When you bring balance to all the corners of life, you can become the best version of yourself! The central ring represents the evolving nature of life energy; something immortal and never-ending.